It’s “that” time again…time to cleanse, take care of your “temple”, recharge, reset, reflect and rejuvenate.
If this is the one time a year you do a cleanse, then I suggest you step up, order and carve out the time to ‘just do it‘!

The top ten physiological reasons why you should cleanse:

  1. Blood purification
  2. Colds and flu’s
  3. Stabilize and lose weight
  4. To prevent acute and chronic disorders
  5. Revitalize internal glands and hormones
  6. To lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  7. Improving digestion and bowel movements
  8. Overcome stress and to sleep more soundly
  9. When physically exhausted
  10. To break unhealthy habits such as sugar, alcohol, smoking or drugs including prescriptions

The top five emotional and mental reasons:

  1. When mentally exhausted
  2. Increase mental discipline and clarity
  3. Improve one’s self-esteem and self-image
  4. Spiritual development
  5. To transform one’s mental habits

Contact us to order your kit today at

Step up, take time for yourself and add years to your life!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have or to further discuss your hesitations about cleansing at

Be Your Best Health,

Dr. Sage Campione

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