Meet The Concierge Wellness Care Team

Concierge Wellness Care is personalized and will not only get you on your way to a healthier you but also provide you with the tools you will need to remain proactive in your own health care in the years to come.

As a Concierge patient, you will receive access to our private Facebook Page where we share tips, articles of interest, motivation and inspiration. Please visit our Facebook and Learning Center pages for more information and articles by Dr. Campione and our team.

Dr. Sage Campione, Integrative Practitioner

Dr. Sage Campione, DC is a chiropractor, nutritionist and author. She has lived a life of service, beginning when she was a medic in the United States Army.  Her passion for helping others led her to a career in Chiropractic and post-graduate training in Integrative Medicine from the University of Arizona. An understanding of the mind/body connection led her to broaden her scope of expertise.  

Her training includes Ayurvedic Medicine, Wellness, Nutrition, and Functional Medicine.  She truly believes an Integrated Lifestyle will help you sustain a quality, healthy life. Integrative medicine is about changing the focus in medicine to one of health and healing rather than disease. This involves understanding the influences of mind, spirit and community, as well as the body. It entails developing insight into the patient’s culture, beliefs and lifestyle that will help her understand how best to trigger the necessary changes in behavior that will result in improved health and thus bring more value to your health care.

These combined skills are what make it possible for Doc Sage to custom tailor a protocol to meet your specific health needs.

Phone: 912-434-7044 (available remotely for Consultations)
Fax: 877-260-9213

Jill Shanahan

Jill is a Certified Nutritional Counselor, Lifestyle Educator and Eating Psychology Coach.  Jill took her lifelong passion for fitness and nutrition and made it her second career!  This is because she has always believed that we can strongly impact the quality of our lives by the choices that we make about nutrition, movement, sleep and stress management (Epigenetics).

 It is Jill’s deep desire to educate, be a cheerleader and provide you with the tools that you will need to be proactive in your healthcare now and in the future so that you can have the freedom to enjoy your life. As an Eating Psychology Coach, she can assist you in exploring your relationship with food and how it impacts nutrition.

Phone: 414-453-4404 (available remotely for Consultations)

Valerie Alba

Valerie is Doc Sage’s Virtual Assistant and works behind the scenes assisting with marketing and social media tasks.

She has a passion for healthy living and fitness and enjoys assisting CWC with their administration and back office tasks by freeing up their time and getting them off the computer and allowing them to work directly with their clients to improve their overall health and well-being.


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