February is Heart Health Month and today is Valentine’s Day, so we wanted to share some eye opening news on how to prevent heart disease.

It has nothing to do with lowering cholesterol and everything to do with increasing your Vitamin K2.

Heart disease causes one in every four deaths in the USA and we have been led to believe that high cholesterol is the culprit: Wrong.

Recent studies done by world-renowned cholesterol researchers like Dr. David Diamond at University of Southern Florida reveal that cholesterol is NOT the main cause of heart disease.

The true cause of heart disease and heart attacks is inflammation and calcification of the arteries which cause your arteries and heart valves to harden, stiffen and clog. This leads to increased blood pressure, heart disease and heart attacks.

So how do your arteries get so full of calcium? It’s because virtually all of us are deficient in Vitamin K2.

What the heck is Vitamin K2?

It’s quite likely you haven’t heard much or anything about Vitamin K2 let alone its pivotal role in preventing heart disease. But you will soon. Noted below are links to a few of the hundreds of research articles that are pouring out from the science community about this amazing vitamin:

Proper Calcium Use: Vitamin K2 as a Promoter of Bone and Cardiovascular Health
The Ultimate Vitamin K Resource
Vitamin K2: The Missing Nutrient
Vitamin K Reverses Arterial Stiffness

What does Vitamin K2 do? Quite simply, Vitamin K2 is the only way to get calcium OUT of your arteries and moved into your bones and teeth where it can be safely stored so it won’t damage your arteries and cause heart disease.

But Vitamin K2 is NOT the same as Vitamin K1 which is found in leafy greens like kale. In contrast, Vitamin K2 is ONLY found in GRASS FED animal protein and dairy or fermented foods like Natto (a popular dish in Japan consisting of fermented soybeans)- all of which are very hard to find.

But I have good news, there is now an easier source of Vitamin K2. Algae!

Please contact me to discuss how to get your Vitamin K2 and heart healthy at docsage@docsage.com.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have or to discuss this topic and your best health further at docsage@docsage.com.

Be Your Best Health,

Dr. Sage Campione

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