Being a professional dancer, my body needs some extra TLC, and Dr. Sage Campione has always been there to provide it.

Corey Gosselin, Professional dancer

Corey Gosselin, Professional dancer

One day, she happened to be on vacation in New York and my body was terribly misaligned–so much so, I couldn’t bend forward.  she came to my job, set up a table like surface, and not even 5 minutes later I was able to bend all the way forward and touch my toes with no discomfort.  she can run her hand down your spine, feel the places causing you grief, and fix them so quickly.  the amount of both physical and mental stress relieved on her table is amazing, and has allowed me to continue doing what I love to do.  not only that, she creates such a welcoming, relaxing environment and really cares about you being both physically and mentally sound.  my body is like Humpty Dumpty–and when it’s broken, I use Doc Sage to put it back together again.